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Thursday, April 24, 2003

I guess Yishay is shaming

I guess Yishay is shaming me into writing again. He wrote that I'd complaint that he had neglected his blog---and you guys noticed how much I'd been writing on mine lately, huh?

Both work and life have been so busy I hadn't much time to write. Let's see, what's been happening....

We celebrated Thai New Year two weekends ago, with about 40 of our closest friends. I made ridiculous amount of food--all Thai of course. There were chicken and tofu satays and my secret peanut sauce, Golden Bags (which are basically spring rolls but tied into little bags instead of rolled up in the traditional Poh Pia shape), Curry Puffs, Pla Koong shrimp salad. For dinner we had Kao Soi, a curry noodle dish from the North of Thailand. Sticky rice and mango, what else, was our dessert. I promise I will post my recipes as soon as I get around to it.

Melissa lamented that the celebration wasn't authentic because there were no water balloons! I said tough luck--there's no way I'd let my living room look like this.

And to appease our yuppie guilt for having fun while bombs were being dropped on another country, we put out a collection jar and raised almost $300! Half of the amount went to UNHCR, the other to Médecins sans Frantières. Guilt is good sometimes, no?

The party was so much fun, and as I said before in another blog, so good for my ego. Not that it needed any help, mind you. The language count this time tied the last record, at Chris's birthday party, of nine. There was no dancing this time because evidently no one could move after all the curries and sticky rice! There were, on the other hand, reports of "smoking" going on up on the roof---I missed all the fun apparently!


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