Pim who?
Pim is a bit confused. She has, since long ago, taken up permanent residency in the borderlands. She plans never to leave.
Her academic training straddles cognitive science, communications, and ethnomethodology, which, perhaps, explains why her Ph.D dissertation is a perpetual work in progress.
She is an academic at heart, but is currently selling out by working for The Man, shamelessly pushing bandwidth sucking devices. She, most of the time, would rather be playing with food, books or working for peanuts at Amnesty. But hey, the girl's gotta pay for her food!
She was raised in Bangkok, educated in other places, now lives in San Francisco, and works in the Geekdom that is the Valley. She spends half of her waking hours on planes crisscrossing the big pond, and ends up working, eating, cooking, and otherwise partying a great deal in London and Paris.
Chez Pim is an occasional chronicle of her musings on food, moods, and other barely interesting things.
She can often be reached at chezpim at gmail dot com.