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Wednesday, April 28, 2004

life or blog?

I'm in Paris now, arrived last weekend from London. The weather has been glorious, and, in between convoluted meetings, I have been eating up a storm.

Revisited La Régalade to see if the new chef was any good, trekked out to Chatillon to a secret Algerian place, tried L'Entredgeu for the first time, and made a -far too rare- visit to an old friend L'Ardoise. I even have a few meals from NY and London that I haven't written about yet, including the most delightful evening in the company of the incomparable Ali of Kebab cafe. There are also a couple more days yet in Paris--and a few surprises in my bag.

The only problem is there is no time to blog properly. I would have no life at all if I blog about all things I do in semi-real time. On the other hand, if I spent my life blogging rather than living, the blog would not be at all interesting to anyone.

So I have chosen life, for the next few days at least. Forgive me. I shall blog again after I return home to San Francisco this weekend.


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