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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

2004 Food Blog Awards: Finalists

Woohoo! Chez Pim is finalist in four categories of 2004 Food Blog Awards:

Best Food Blog: Restaurant Reviews
Best Food Blog: Writing
Best Overall Food Blog (!)
Best Post, for not one but two posts! (So I am my very own Ralph Nader, lol)
A Meal Fit for A Prophet
A Perfect Paris Afternoon and the Tale of Two Ispahans

It's an honor to be nominated....oh heck, who am I kidding? of course I want to win . :P Drop by Kate's place over at the Accidental Hedonists and put a vote in for Chez Pim (you could also just click on each category above and go directly to the ballot for each section), should you be so inclined...

..ahem, if you are going to vote for Chez Pim in the Best Post category, let's all vote for the Prophet one, please? I like that one way better.

Well, but seriously, it is a huge honor to be nominated, especially in the company of such a distinguished field of finalists. Thank you so very much everyone.



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