I get occasional emails from confounded readers, asking where it is that I actually live. I guess that is at times unobvious from reading the blog. It seems I’ve been writing more about other places than I do about my own adopted hometown, San Francisco. I really should change that, you think?
You might also notice that I seem to be quite into lists lately. So I might as well do another one, no? How about, 10 reasons why I love –just love- being a foodie in San Francisco? These are the people, places, and things that help make my experience here a marvelously delectable one. They are distinctly Californian -and even more uniquely so Bay Area- and nowhere else in the world. As much as I love and admire great cities like Paris and London, there are things here that would be sorely miss should I ever move somewhere else. And here is the top ten list of them.
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