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Friday, February 18, 2005

Say WHAT again?

UsedcurrypasteadsSo, a funny post over at Vinography got me paying attention to Google Ads on my sidebar. And look what I've got today? EBay ads for new and used curry paste! How fun...um....just to be clear dear readers, Chez Pim certainly does not endorse the use of used curry paste...ugh..

I decided to give Google Ads a try a few weeks ago, just to see how it works, and all the other blogs are doing it. :-) I like that I don't have anything to do with the ads so the editorial content -if I can dare to call my posts here that- can be completely free of commercial influence. But I don't know, ads for used curry paste and used Pinot Noir are making me rethink this a little..


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