Yves Camdeborde's new hotel Relais Saint-Germain
Another congratulations is in order today in Paris, where the most anticipated openning of the year finally took place. Yves Camdeborde, of La Régalade fame finally opens his pensione de famille in the 6th. The hotel is called Relais Saint-Germain.
He also took over the annex brasserie Le Comptoir du Relais which will be open every day from 12h00 until
23h30 pm, beginning April 1st. Camdeborde reportedly claimed that the cuisine would be nothing like La
Régalade, because he disliked "reheated dishes" !! because he disliked rehashing old ideas. (Thanks Clotilde for pointing out my language inaptitude.)
I must say I am quite surprised to see that the hotel is right smack in the middle of touristy madness in Saint Germain. I had expected him to open in a low key arrondissement like the 17th, to attract both tourists and locals, or perhaps in the ever popular Marais, but certainly not at the corner of St.Germain and Odéon!
Here is the website for the hotel, which seems to have been inherited from the previous ownership. I expect them to add more information about the restaurant and how the pricing of the rooms ties into the dinner at the Brasserie. Early reports of Camdeborde's plan for this hotel said that the restaurant would serve dinner only to hotel guests. So, either that plan has now been abandoned or the new website should be up explaining the deal shortly.
Thanks Adrian for the email tip.