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Friday, March 11, 2005

SFist has got it in for Chez Pim

SfistAs though I intended to redefine the very meaning of overexposure, Chez Pim was featured yesterday in a rather lengthy interview on SFist's Bay Blogger Thursday.

By the way, um, no, really, SFist is not what you think, believe me. It reads es-eff-ist, not that other way you were just thinking. Get your mind off the gutter my dear readers. SFist is a news digest blog, covering everything from Indie music scenes to dirty city politiking to salacious gossips about our Pretty Boy Mayor. They are San Francisco's very own version of the famous Gothamist in NY, which now includes so many Big City-ists to link to all of them here.

They are ever so hip, has got a good dose of attitude, and ever so fun to read. Whether you live here or just visiting, you should check them out.


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