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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Blog Day!

Blogday_1Today is Blog Day, the day everyone in Blogosphere celebrates our link-iness, which, to me, is one of our quirky charms. Blogs are many things to many people, but to me, they are little windows into our most fascinating world, full of different colors, textures, and flavors. Some may still think of us as navel gazing weirdos in the world unto ourselves, shouting monologues into the void, but I doubt that those naysayers have really spent any time looking at the myriads of amazing blogs that are out there.

For me, I started my blog way back when because some cool kids I knew had them (invented them, even). Chez Pim began as a way for me to share a little bit of my world with my circle of faraway friends, but it has become something else entirely, and has introduced me to many interesting people and places, made me more than a load of new friends, and even showed me the sides of the world I would not have otherwise seen. It has been a fun time in Blogosphere.

So today, I am celebrating Blog Day by sharing you a few new and newly discovered blogs that you may not know about. Have fun browsing and blogging!

Bad Things
I adore pedantry, and Max can out pedant just about anyone in Blogosphere. How could I not love him?

Algerian Cuisine/Cuisine Algerienne
I love Algeria, even though I've never been there. Some of my favorite writers (Albert Camus), philosophers (Jacques Derrida), and good friends trace their roots to Algeria. I know next to nothing about the cuisine, unfortunately, though perhaps just enough to know that couscous in America mostly suck. Quite badly. In fact. That is why I am quite excited that there is a blog dedicated to the cuisine from Algeria, and will be checking in regularly. I might even roll my own couscous one of these days!

Chubby Hubby
Aun writes from Singapore, one of the most exciting food towns. She does lovely photography, and hangs out in the parts of Asia I wish I could spend more time in, like Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Malaysia. A lovely new-ish addition to the food blogosphere.

Deep End Dining
Eddie wrote me asking to be included in my horribly out-of-date Not Flogs list when he started his blog. For some reason I've never got around to it, although I must admit I check in on his crazy adventures once in a while. It seems he hardly needs traffic from me these days, but I am listing him here anyway. Go check out his hilarious posts and watch him eat live octopus tenticles! Yikes!

Chez Ptipois
This one is in French. Ptipois is a well-known food writer in France. In fact she is so famous she hangs out with Anikin Skywalker on a regular basis. That's why she is writing with a nom de plume. I'll let you figure out yourself just who she is. Her blog, just like her person, is whimsical and always tells a good story. If you read French, or want to improve your French, I would add this to your blog roll.

Arts and Letters Daily
They have been at it -this linkiness thing- long before blogs are cool, and they continue to suck hours and hours from me every week. Reading Arts and Letters Daily is like having an intelligent and ultimately cool friend scouring the web clipping interesting tidbits for you to read. How fun!

I just had to add another one.
Nathalie Bouffe
Nathalie works at favorite cheese shop in London, Neals Yard Dairy. She knows more about cheese than most people I know, and that is saying a lot. She promised me a while ago that she would do a series on all the fabulous artisanal cheeses and cheese makers in Britain. She has already begun beautifully by blogging about my favorite Caerphilly from a farm called Gorwydd. Fabulous. Indeed.


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» Dabbling in Food Blogging from waking ideas
I occasionally write about food here and there, and the food posts have gotten the most reactions and comments, so I decided to look a bit deeper into the intranet for some blogs about food. Here are my finds: Becks... [Read More]


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