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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Got a food blog? Tell my Rojo

(Click to go to My Rojo, username/pwd: tellpim)

You know, I've been around this food blogging thing so long I remember the time I had a manageable list of food blogs I read right there on my sidebar. It is great that food blogging has caught on so much that there are new blogs practically every week. This makes for a very fun, diverse, and interesting food blog world.

The problem is I have no good way of keeping up with new ones. And I so do want to. I've been accused of hanging out only with the cool kids, but that's only because I have no easy way of knowing about the new kids in town. There are great sites like Food Porn Watch and IMBB, which keep a feed of a lot of food blogs, not to mentionn Kiplog which is the definitive list (only links though, no feed there). I go to these frequently, but they are not precisely what I need either. People keep telling me about their blogs, both on email and in the comment sections of various posts, but sometimes I'm just too preoccupied with stuff to pay proper attention. My apology, but life does get in a way.

Finally, I think I figured out how to have it my way. I found a new aggregator that I really like, and so far has been working very well for me. Some of you may have heard of it, Rojo. I've been looking for something that looks better than Bloglines, Rojo seems the answer. It's styling yet practical, unlike Kinja which is all looks but no play.

So, now I'm going to do something rather new. I am giving you access to my Rojo. If you have a blog, or know of some I should read, tell me. Get into my Rojo and add them to my feed. That way I get to see them, and also people who read my blog will have access to them as well.

I'm hoping that soon I will be able to make my Rojo public, the same way I could with my Bloglines subscription. When that happens I will just replace my Blogroll altogether with this new tool.

The site is here: Rojo.com
username/password: tellpim
Add your blog there, you could even mark it with the tag tellpim so I know that it's new.

Go ahead, tell my Rojo.


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