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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Best-Shot Blogs, no, really

Currentcover_94 Chez Pim is featured in Food & Wine Magazine this month in a piece about food photography and blogs, with some useful How To tips and links to the 'best-shot' blogs, including this one. Frankly, not that I do humble very well, but I must admit -if just this once- that this particular accolade is perhaps more than a little undeserving.

I take semi-random shots of food, and some of them happen to come out rather nice. But they are still amateurish at best. I think I'm just lucky that I've had some pretty interesting subjects to work on. There are food blogs out there with far better photographs than mine, professional quality even. Some of them were mentioned on the article, but there are some glaring omissions.

If you are here from Food & Wine Magazine, let me point you to some food blogs with truly drool worthy photographs. Just make sure you don't go there hungry!

Delicious Days
The Traveler's Lunchbox
Chubby Hubby
Eating Asia
Cookbook 411
La Tartine Gourmande

(I'm sure there are more but these are the ones I can think of right now. Feel free to leave a link to your favorites, or even your own, if you want.)

Speaking of drool worthy, there's another blog I've just discovered, and it is perhaps the worthiest of them all. Ok, it's not even about food, but about something just as good, if not better, clothes. It's all about clothes, as meticulously and resplendently curated by someone who calls himself the Sartorialist. His photos of people and their fabulous fashion, on random street corners or at the most coveted shows in Paris or Milan, are so much fun to look at. And happily, he's a far more diligent blogger than I am, so he posts something new almost every day. The Sartorialist, je vous adore!

Well, it's 2am over here on the West Coast. I'm off to bed. I'm leaving for New York in a few hours!


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