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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Michelin news from Paris

Michelin2007_1 Michelin 2007 news is out of the bag this morning. This is a big surpirse, not the least because it's not even February yet, but even more so because of all the grand changes in it.

Yes, yes, yes, I know. I'm not going to torture you with a drawn out musing about this. We're talking Michelin stars here and you just want to get to the good stuff. So here it is!

New three-stars:
L'Astrance, Pascal Barbot and Christophe Rohat
Le Meurice, Yannick Alléno
Le Pré Catelan, Frédéric Anton
Pic, Anne Sophie Pic
Hélène Darroze, Hélène Darroze
Lameloise, Jacques Lameloise (regained the third star they lost few years ago)

Le Beurehiesel (The chef Antoine Westermann has stepped down and his son took over the kitchen.)
Le Cinq, Philippe Legendre
Le Taillevent (Previously thought to be untouchable, but I guess Michelin is on a mission to prove nothing is.)
La Ferme de mon père (Marc Veyrat sold the restaurant)

In other news, Marc Meneau is reportedly going bankrupt. The restaurant, saddled with plenty of financial problems over the years, is now going into liquidation. How sad for him.

I'm so very happy for L'Astrance and Le Meurice, on the other hand. They have long been my favorites, and their third stars are more than deserving. Bravo to everyone involved!! Also a bravo to Christian Constant whose tremendously popular Les Fables de la Fontaine is now a one star restaurant.

Here's a link to Le Figaro if you want to read the Simon piece in its entirety. Thanks Adrian for pointing this out.


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