Tastespotting, goes well with latte
This is my favorite thing to go with the morning bowl of latte these days. I go taste-spotting, following pretty pictures of food to all corners of the web.
You might have heard of TasteSpotting already as it's not exacly brand new. But -not unlike my lovely espresso maker Sylvia- I'm a bit slow on the uptake, and have just recently been hooked. And hooked I am now. You will be too if you like gastroporn as much as I do.
TasteSpotting relies on the collective good taste of the many foodies on the interweb to spot something tasteful and post them on the site. The photos are accompanied by a brief description and a link back to the original sites those photos came from. I've spent hours following the pretty pictures down many a rabbit hole. See you on the other side?