I'm sorry we had to delay the announcement of the winners of Menu for Hope raffle for a couple of days. I'm sure you've all been on pins and needles, but before I get to the prizes, I'd like to take a bit of time to thank a number of people without whom our Menu for Hope campaign would not have been such a smashing success.
This year, Menu for Hope raised $91,188.00. It's a 50% increase from the total of last year. That's just mind-blowing, isn't it?
Our campaign couldn't exist at all without the help of my food blogging friends from around the world. This community is what made the campaign what it is today. Thank you so much everyone, you deserve a big round of applause!
I wouldn't be able to pull off Menu for Hope each year without the help of the regional hosts. They worked very hard to rally and coordinate the bloggers, and played a big role in cheer-leading the prizes from their region. Thank you Adam-Serious Eats, Alder-Vinography, Bee-Rasa Malaysia, Jennifer-The Domestic Goddess, Fanny-Food Beam, Helen-Grab Your Fork, Jeanne-Cooksister, Johanna-The Passionate Cook, and Kalyn-Kalyn's Kitchen.
I also need to thank Heidi, whose original design for the logo this year has been somewhat butchered by yours truly (although not so badly I hope) and Derrick, without whose coding genius I'd still be folding little chits into little cups like our first year.
And last but not least, we need to thank the UN World Food Programme, especially Greg Barrow in London, who took all my unusual requests and suggestions with aplomb and even pulled them off, and Richard Lee in Rome, who took the disposable cameras all the way to Africa and back for those amazing photos we've seen. Thanks also to the team at Firstgiving, a first rate online fundraising company who's been a big supporter of Menu for Hope from day one. If you want to raise money online, I can't recommend them enough!
So, without any further ado, here's the list in alphabetical order based on prize codes. If you are one of the
lucky winners, click on the prize code to go to the blog hosting your
prize and contact the blogger, either via email or leave a comment on
their blog. You should also receive an email by tomorrow with the
email address to contact for your prize. If you have any problem at
all, please feel free to contact the regional host in your area, or
email me.
If luck isn't with you in this round, be sure to join Menu for Hope
again next year. I'm sure your luck will change for the better!
Thanks so much.
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